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Aristocracy apartment TV 02 -

This 2BHK interior aristocracy apartment interior is a small space but not in style. The apartment features a medium living room which also serves as a dining room for the client. The kitchen resides in a separate room complete with a full sized pantry.

Light Points -
Floor Plan

A triangle charcoal painted wall panel is lit around wood panel, sending a glow out over surrounding timber TV panel. A modern wall light descends in front of the accent panel, which brighten the entryway.

luxury interior designer
TV unit
luxury interior designer
Pooja Unit
luxury interior designer
Pooja Unit
luxury interior designer
Master Bedroom Bed
luxury interior designer
Master Bedroom Bed

A moody luxury bedroom with a wooden king size bed furniture and square padded headboard, the whole bed along with headboard feels elevated with the illumination of strip light underneath. Modern art stencil painted sunflower complements the entire theme of the room.

Aristocracy apartment Master Bedroom 03 -
Master Bedroom Study table
Aristocracy apartment Master Bedroom 02 -
Master Bedroom Wardrobe

The ceramic door panels open to reveal a generous amount of full storage. White closet doors conceal more storage at the far end.

Aristocracy apartment Master Bedroom 01 -
Master Bedroom Study
Aristocracy apartment Kitchen -

The home has a completely separate kitchen, which is also decorated in shades of monochrome, wood tone and Ceramic White. Wood kitchen base units tie in with the scandi style. The white and wood theme looks fresh and warm at the same time. A stainless steel faucet matches the overmount kitchen sink.

Aristocracy apartment Kitchen 04 -
Utility/Tall unit
Aristocracy apartment Kitchen 03 -
Kitchen Base unit
Aristocracy apartment Kitchen 02 -

The tempered glass backsplash stretches the full height and length of the one wall kitchen. Open shelf allows for frequently used items to be kept out and close to hand.

Aristocracy apartment 2nd Bedroom -
Aristocracy apartment TV 03 -
TV unit (luxury interior designer)

Note: If you’d like to be consulted by a designer, Drop your contact here

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