True difference between interior designer vs contractor

interior designer vs contractor

Firstly, many people are skeptical about this topic interior designer vs contractor. They are unsure of who are the right professional to hire for the job. Because of this, many of the interior projects go wrong, and the project does not get carried out as planned.

Interior designer vs contractor

Due to highly disorganized market in interior and vast selection of materials available in the market every dream home falls on to the prays hand. this happens because of the customer mindset not able to purchase the right materials for the right job.
Many of the customer’s surf plenty of image across online platforms @Pinterest, Google images etc. and ask interior professionals/nonprofessionals to get it done for a fixed low budget. this is where the situation comes to play for interior contractors since they promise to deliver the project with that low budget. But every interior designer knows that it is not possible at that low budget.

Interior designers

Motive is to design your home on a specific theme, colors & décor based on the customers taste specifically. this is where a process called MOODBOARD Analysis comes to play. only interior designers know how to extract ideas and analyze what design suits to every customer lifestyle with the help of Mood board analysis. Interior designer constantly look for new material in the market. And guide you which material is a best fit for your home.

Interior contractors

motive is to make money out of that budget by delivering the project with non standard materials. not knowing anything about design and simply promising anything based on the images shown by you. easily customers get false promises, due to vast variety of materials available in the market many of them look same in photos. but touch-feel, properties, durability of each and every material is different so they are categorized based on the price.

Interior designer vs contractor difference, One such example i can share with you is, take a look on below images and you won’t see much differences even though there are material differences.

interior designer vs contractor
interior designer vs contractor

If you want your home to look modern and cozy at the same time, it’s important to make decisions in choosing the right Designer that suit your needs. If you’d like to be consulted by our designer, Drop your contact here

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